Physical Education (PE)
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. John F Kennedy
At Barrow Hill Primary Academy, we aim to provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness, whilst boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and supporting the development of social skills; encouraging all children to become successful, lifelong learners. We aim to maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in the area of PE enabling them to know more about physical activity and how it is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
We are aware that research has shown a direct link between children’s physical and mental health and therefore we aim to provide experiences that will inspire pupils to not only develop physically but ensure mental wellbeing and a desire to succeed.
PE Curriculum Intent
Barrow Hill Primary Academy encourages all children to develop positive attitudes to PE and sport, improve health and well-being, cater for all abilities, allow every child to fulfil their potential, encourage lifelong participation, and provide competitive activities. We aim:
- To engage all pupils in regular physical activity in line with the recommendations from AfPE and government guidelines, striving for our children to be active for 30 minutes a day in addition to their two timetabled PE lessons
- To increase participation in competitive sport
- To provide opportunities for children to participate in a broad range of physical activities, providing variety and an introduction to as many sports and activities as possible
- To develop the children’s fundamental movement skills, enabling lifelong participation in physical activity
- To develop multi-ability skills through PE, enabling the children to use and develop cognitive, personal, social, creative and physical skills through physical activity.
- To encourage all children to achieve their personal best.
PE Curriculum Implementation
Barrow Hill Primary Academy PE curriculum is taught using the Real PE approach. This focuses on the importance of developing sound fundamental movement skills alongside multi-ability skills such as personal and social skills enabling children to apply these skills to any game or activities.
Real PE ensures fundamental movement skills are developed progressively and uses clear steps of progression at every level. Teachers use interactive resources to support their teaching.
The approach focuses on the following skills;
- For all children to be able to effectively transfer skills and movements across a range of activities.
- For all children to perform a variety of skills consistently and effectively in challenging or competitive situations.
Health & Fitness
- For all children to be able to explain how individuals need different types and levels of fitness to be more effective in their activity/ role/ event.
- For all children to be able to plan and follow their own basic fitness programme.
- For all children to be able to explain the basic fitness components and to know how long to exercise to keep healthy.
- For all children to be able to use variety and creativity to engage an audience.
- For all children to be able to respond imaginatively to different situations, adapting and adjusting skills, movements or tactics.
- For all children to be able to review, analyse and evaluate their own and others' strengths and weaknesses.
- For all children to be able to read and react to different game situations as they develop.
- For all children to be able to involve others and motivate people around them to perform.
- For all children to be able to give and receive sensitive feedback to improve their own and others' performance.
- For all children to be able to create their own learning journey and revise it when needed.
- For all children to be able to see all new challenges as opportunities to learn and develop.
- This is underpinned by agility, balance and coordination which are the fundamental movement skills that children need. This is achieved by using our PE scheme Real PE on the Jasmine Platform. This provides detailed lesson plans and activities for teachers that focus on the national curriculum content with agility, balance and coordination featuring in every lesson.
Early Years
Gross and fine motor experiences are developed incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. This begins with pre-school children who attend the Stay and Play Together sessions and is followed on into nursery then reception. Adults who work in the unit create games and by providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination, which is later linked to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence
PE is taught through two weekly lessons. Real PE ensure fundamental movement skills are taught via non-traditional games and activities which enable all abilities to take part in lessons on a level playing field.
Barrow Hill Primary Academy has a curriculum map which outlines when Real PE units are covered and which skills are introduced and developed.
Children in Year 5 and Year 6 attend the Healthy Living Centre every week for a 30 minute swimming lesson. Groups, assessment and curriculum is organised by qualified swimming instructors. School staff who support and teach swimming groups receive swimming training.
School Sport's Premium
The School sports premium is used to improve the provision of PE at Barrow Hill Primary Academy in a number of ways, adding additional specialist coaching staff to support lessons, run practices and prepare for events, along with running lunchtime clubs and afterschool clubs, and CPD for staff.
In school we identified a lack of confidence and enjoyment in competitive sport. We also noticed a lack of exposure to different sports for the children and sportsmanship. We knew we needed to develop these elements of PE.
Paceball is a sport we have chosen as a vehicle to develop the children’s skills and confidence. Paceball is a fully inclusive, minimal contact game, which involves lots of personal and team skills/ ethics which in turn enhances the development of the whole child. This sport supports the children’s physical and mental development. This game also promotes sporting behaviours in a safe and controlled environment.
Physical skills development:
Stamina, speed, strength, agility and flexibility.
Mental skills development:
Concentration, application, self-esteem, self-confidence, positive actions, encouragement and quick thinking.
Through weekly sessions delivered by a trained Paceball coach, children experience high quality, fun, fast paced and engaging PE lessons. The sport used by the coach varies overtime to demonstrate the adaptability of the skills learnt to other sports e.g. basketball, cricket.
Extra Curricular
Barrow Hill provides a range of after school clubs. They are open to all children and are organised into class or key stage phases. These provide opportunities for the children to participate in a range of activities and develop their skills further. These clubs are funded using Sport’s Premium to remove barriers and stigma for dis-advantaged children.
SHAPE Partnership
SHAPE (Sport, Health Activity and Physical Education) is a not-for-profit organisation whose members are the partner schools of the old Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire School Sport Partnerships. It aims to work with its member schools to improve the lives of all young people in the area through their involvement in PE, school sport, physical activity and health-based interventions. SHAPE is managed and staffed by qualified teachers with over 73 years’ experience of teaching and of working with and in schools.
Through our partnership with SHAPE, Barrow Hill has access to high quality professional development, access to a range of sports and events (e.g. Bikeability, competitions) and middle leadership training for the PE leader include termly network meetings. SHAPE also provide support with mental health and well-being events along with healthy lifestyle workshops.
Teachers use their professional judgement to observe children over the period of a term. They use the REAL PE assessment toolkit which focus on the National Curriculum objectives and skills developed throughout the approach which include demonstrating fundamental movements in isolation and also applying to sports and physical activities. Teacher’s make a judgement based within age-related expectations, above or below at the end of each term. Teacher’s use the assessment wheels through the Real PE website to assess progress (appendix 11). Children are assessed as:
Target - the children need to work on this element
Working towards - started work on this but learning needs to be consolidated
Secure - confident with this element
The assessment wheel shows class teachers shared examples so they know what this learning step looks like and has the option to upload evidence.
As stated in the SEND Code of Practice 2015 all pupils should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. This will include Physical Education to all children. We will make use of assessment to adapt lessons if needed or provide essential content so that pupils with SEND can access Physical Education with their peers. We will identify areas of misconceptions or difficulties and address these in subsequent sessions and will remove barriers where possible to learning to allow pupils with SEND to access the curriculum.
PE Curriculum Impact
- Children will enjoy being active and be keen to take part in lessons
- The profile and expectations of PE and school sport will continue to be high
- Teams will perform well at competitive events
- Children will be eager to represent the school at events and competition for team places will be high.
- Children’s fundamental movement skills will continue to improve with more confident and physically skilled pupils overall
- After school clubs will remain popular meaning children are keen to continue refining skills and have developed an enjoyment for being active.
- Barrow Hill Primary Academy will continue to make good use of the School Sports Premium and use it to raise the profile and provision of PE.
- Staff will feel confident to deliver high quality lessons
- The mental health and wellbeing of children across school improves as a result of participation in sporting and wellbeing events
- Year 6 children leave Barrow Hill Primary Academy with an awareness of water safety and able to swim at least 25 metres unaided